Free Coloring Page: Japanese Motif Mandala 1

November 24, 2019

This just started out as a drawing for an obi for a piece of art, and it kind of got out of control. It’s a mandala inspired by Japanese kimono motifs, especially Sakura (cherry blossoms) and wisteria.

I still have a bad cold or bronchitis or something, so my brain hasn’t been “with it” the last few days, and today, coloring this is about all I could manage. It was kind of relaxing, I guess, in a weird sort of way. I’ll probably draw more of these in the future.

Feel free to print and color it, or color digitally, whatever floats your boat. Just leave the watermark signature on it, and if you know someone who’d like to color it, please just link them here instead of reuploading it somewhere else. Don’t claim it as your own, that sort of thing.

If you like this design, consider supporting my work by ordering something off of my RedBubble or buying me a coffee via Ko-Fi. I hope you enjoy it, and I’d love to see your colored versions!